Solomon’s Castle, Hidden in the lush Florida woodlands is one man’s dream of paradise. A visit to Solomon’s Castle may be the most unique experience of your life.
The home, galleries and workshop of internationally renowned artist Howard Solomon are open to the public. Decorated with more than 80 interpretive stained glass windows and countless metal sculptures the castle is a day-long delight.,
Take the tour! Relax under the oaks along picturesque Horse Creek. Enjoy a homemade meal at the Boat-in-the-Moat Restaurant. The three masted monster is Solomon’s creation and houses the finest restaurant in Ona, Florida. Unique for its design and location the Boat-in-the-Moat Restaurant features menus as popular with the locals as with the daily busloads of tourists.
See what the BBC, PBS, CNN, Spanish National TV, Animal Planet, Better Homes & Gardens Network, The Associated Press, Gannet Publications, the Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, the Saint Petersburg Times, The Miami Herald and newspapers and magazines from around the world have been telling their readers and viewers.
Solomon’s Castle
4533 Solomon Rd.
Ona, Florida 33865
(863) 494-6077
11 am – 4 pm
Closed Mondays.
Closed July, August, September
$10 Adults
$4 Children under 12